08-09 Thing 20



See also: Online Notetaking, Thing 7, Thing 11




By now you have probably heard about people tweeting on twitter. What?!? 


Read 7 Things You Should Know About Twitter (Click on the Adobe PDF button at the bottom of the page to see the full article.)


Once again, there is a CommonCraft video to explain Twitter. It is good, but be sure to read these comments from Twitterers who say it doesn't go deep enough to really explain all that Twitter is for some people.






  • Take a look at Twitter. There is a quick What, Why, and How -- or you may want to check out the more detailed FAQ's. If you are feeling brave, sign up and start twittering! OR if you are already on Facebook, start using the "What are you doing right now?" box.








  • Blog about your thoughts about micro-blogging.


  • Blog about your micro-blogging experience.


  • Post a blog post that is 140 characters or less.