09-10 Final Presentations

Final presentations were blogged in the Ning, but here are links to the presentations they made:


Molly's Google Presentation: Personal Reflections


Teresa's Google Presentation: Whee!


Lori's Glog: What I Learned in MILI


Paul's Glog: MILI Final


Sue's Glog: A New Day is Dawning


Melissa's Google Presentation: MILI et moi


Rebecca's Glog: What I Learned This Year in MILI


John's Glog: What I Learned


Char's Glog: What I Enjoyed in MILI


Kari's Glog: When I Dream About MILI What Do I See?


Erin's Glog: MILI Presentation


Cheryl's Glog: A MILI Year


Lisa's Glog: MILI - Learning By Doing


Tori's Glog: MILI Made Me A Better Library Teacher