12-13 MILI Expectations

2012-2013 MILI & MILI Junior Participant Expectations


Research project


  1. Our expectation is that you teach a research project in your classroom where your students answer questions using reliable resources found from multiple sources with an end product that answers his/her original question. The end product of the project can be anything - report, presentation, video, etc. - but that there is a research element to the project.




  1. Participants are required to attend a half-hour monthly webinar.  If live attendance is not possible, archived versions of the webinar must be viewed before the in-person meeting of that same month.
  2. Participants are required to attend monthly meetings.  One excused absence is allowed, though that absence cannot be the last month of the program.
  3. Each week during the school year, participants are required to work one hour, outside the time frame of MILI meetings, on tools, concepts, and ideas introduced.
  4. The total amount of time spent on webinars, MILI meetings, and working one hour per week, will total over 70 hours throughout the school year, with 12 of those hours spent in the first two training days.


Blogging & forum questions


  1. Participants are required to post two lengthy (3-4 paragraphs) blog posts per month, for a total of 20 blog post on their MILI blog, related to MILI concepts, tools, and ideas. Through blog posts participants express how they are thinking about, using, and analyzing the concepts, tools, and ideas introduced. Additional blog posts on general technology and other topics and opinions are welcome but do not count towards the 20 MILI posts.
  2. Participants are required to respond to the monthly forum question.




  1. Blog posts are a monthly homework assignment.
  2. Participants are also required to complete additional assignments, which vary month to month. Participants will use their one hour per week outside of MILI meetings and webinars to complete assignments.
  3. A final presentation will be done at the end of the year and shown in the last meeting. The presentation includes using one of the presentation tools we show to create a presentation on what participants learned in the MILI course. Question and answer periods will also follow each presentation.




  1. Progress toward meeting MILI requirements will be monitored throughout the year with formal reports on individual progress given to the school district in November, February, and May.